Monday, August 9, 2010

Are children all over the world the same? When we got on the chicken bus this morning for our drive to Pisco the were 3 kids sitting with their bus driver who I assume was their father. I smiled and asked them throughout the interpreter why they weren't in school and the little looked at me and answered with a smile that there was an earth quake last night but it was just at their school! I'll have to add that one to my list of excuses that I have heard kids use over my 30 years of teaching!

We spent the day at Sammy's church. She is one of the young Peruvian pastors who has been with us all the time. She is really a fireball! The kids were all ready for us at the back of the church in a little yard area. We sang songs as usual and did pretty much what has become our routine but at one point several little boys ran to a corner of the yard and when I asked what had happened I was told that they had to go to the bathroom. They were all standing with their zippers down peeing with kind od a swaying motion like an oscillating sprinkler! I wish now that I had taken a picture. We did see kids getting out of school today walking down the sidewalk to their homes in their school uniforms. They all looked very nice and I took a picture of a little boy with a tie on. A lot of the schools here are private so parents have to pay tuition so I don't know if that means not all children get to go to school or not.

The mission trip is winding down and people are starting to leave for home. I heard tonight that by tomorrow they think they will have seen 600 in the clinic. I would say that is pretty good for a team of 2 doctors and a PA! They have thri routine fine tuned just like we do by now so that it is almost too bad we are quitting but my have to home and go back to work. I'm glad we are going on to Machu Pichu. There will be 11 of us left to do that.

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